From now until Bonnie Hunter’s new book comes out in September you’ll find me right here on Wednesdays sharing my progress on a UFO (unfinished project). My hope is to get some finished so I won’t feel guilty sewing on new projects from her new book. It’s not to late to join in the fun. You can find my first post about it here. You can see my listing of all my Bonnie Hunter UFOs here.
I didn’t get as much sewing done this week as I would have liked. That happens though. Some weeks I sew like crazy. The next weeks, not as much. I’m coming into my “sewing season” though. I used to call in “farm wife widow” season but doesn’t “sewing season” sound so much better? I sure think it does.
I put my head down and tried to concentrate, at least this week, on one project. My project, Fair and Square.
The first two weeks after my foot surgery I was off of work and managed to get some four patches sewn for this quilt…then, the project sat. This week…I’m back at it hoping to make some progress.
I know this doesn’t look like much because it’s all in a jumbled bucket but I am further along. All of the four patches are sewn together so I can start sewing them onto the squares.
I worked ahead and started piecing the borders too. See?In the bucket on the left are the pieces sewn into strips. Next up ironing and then cutting them into segments. I’ll be so happy to have these to sew. It’s mindless sewing…my favorite.
I am so impressed with myself. I dug around, as much as I’m able with my foot, and found fabric for the squares and black for the outline of the blocks and inner border. I’m happy with the selection. Next up, I need to start cutting.
As always, I’ll save that for nap time work. Most people at their jobs get lunch breaks along with 15 minute breaks. With childcare, I don’t get any complete breaks where I have no responsibility but if I time things right and everyone sleeps at the same time, I typically get a half hour. I so appreciate that. In fact, it’s one of the things that gets me through the day. It’s amazing how much time those little sessions add up too.
When I first started doing childcare I used to write a blog post. Only problem, I had babies that sleep in the computer room…so now, I stay in the kitchen so the rest of the house stays quiet for the kiddos…and what can I do in the kitchen, cut or iron.
I’m expecting my book will be arriving soon. I’ve debated about what I’m going to do…sew something from the new book or continue on with my UFO projects. I think it just might be UFOs for now. I’m liking the progress I’m making.