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Mid-Year UFO Progress Report


It’s mid year…I thought I would stop and check out where I am on my UFO list that I published at the beginning of the year..

Up first…Blue Skies.  This is from the Bonnie Hunter String Fling book….  This UFO has gone from this….


to this…Read about the finished quilt here if you missed it.


On the rack to be quilted was Wonky Wishes.



That has been quilted.  See?Wonky-Wishes-20-1
You can read about that quilt finish here.

Here was Pfefferneuse. This is in Bonnie Hunter’s String Fling book. It needed to be quilted.


Here it is all finished.  Read the details here.


Star Struck was here on a stand still while I debated what to use for a sashing.  It went from here…..

to here….FINISHED.  This is in Bonnie Hunter’s book Scraps and Shirttails I.  Read more about it here.


Here is Santa Fe Star.  I loved this quilt when I saw it in the book, String Fling by Bonnie Hunter, the first time and still do. The center and the geese were finished.  I was in a debate about the background fabric.  It went from this….

to this….Read more about it here.

I love this quilt…really love it!!

Talkin’ Turkey from Bonnie Hunter’s String Fling book- I started WAY back when that block was in Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks before the book even came out.  I had lots of sewing to do on this.  All I had done was the string piecing.  It is a monster to sew and of course I made mine bigger so it went from this….


To this….Read about it here.

Those are what I have completely finished over the last six months that were in UFO status.  I still haven’t quilted Texas Braids.  It’s in Leaders and Enders.  I do have a back for it so that’s progress..right?


I had two Zuckerwatte quilts cut out and they are both now tops.

Here is Virginia Bound.  That one has been at a stand still.  I had run out of shirt strings…well I didn’t run out.  I did run out of variety.  Being I have LOTS more shirts cut up now, I could get back to this project.  It is in Scraps and Shirttails I.  I started this in Moline when we saw Bonnie.  UPDATE:  I have all of the paper ready to complete this and have done a few more blocks.  I am still in the starting stages though.


Rectangle Wrangle.  I love this quilt.  I adore this quilt.  When I saw the book Scraps and Shirttails for the first time this is the quilt I most wanted to make.  I have the outer blocks cut out for the border and have a few sewn.  I’m loving this and can’t wait to get it to a finish.


Let’s not forget Pineapple Crazy…Also in String Fling.  I have all of the center blocks done.  They are all not de-papered too.  I started on the outer border blocks but only two are done.  I was sewing all of these blocks downstairs. I have since moved the process upstairs but haven’t gotten back in the swing yet.



Next up…Cheddar Bowties…This is from More Adventures with Leaders and Enders.  I have about 1/3 of the blocks sewn.  I have the border segments sewn too.  No progress was made on this.


Fair and Square I fantasize about.  Kelli has her’s done and I love it.  It’s been a long time favorite of mine.  It’s in Scraps and Shirttails II. I started out as only white strips cut and have progressed to the point that the border pieces are sewn.  The checkered blocks are sewn…all I have left are the string blocks.  I think this one is moving up the list though.

ufo-2 (2)
Bricks in the Barnyard.  The half square triangles are all sewn for that….next up block assembly.  I don’t have a picture of that and it’s tucked away.

I started with a list of 15 quilts.  Six are completely finished.  Two have moved to flimsy status. Several remaining have made small steps of progress.  That’s not too bad.  At this rate I am tackling one UFO a month.  I’m happy with that!!

I did however add some UFOs.  I have cut out Scrap Crystals, Garlic Knots, and Texas Tumbleweed….so 9 remaining UFOs plus the 3 new UFOs leaves me at 12 UFOs.  That’s not too bad!!  I am working on cutting out a couple more quilts but I’m not counting them yet.  I work on them over nap time if I have my other work caught up.  Sometimes in takes me three weeks to get one done.

That’s where I am on my UFO list.  I finally made some real progress once I started doing a few on my own quilts in between all the charity quilt I was working on.  I need to get back on the charity quilt band wagon again.  You know how it goes as a quilter….the quilts we make for ourselves are always on the back burner.  I’m having fun with these projects and in the end, that’s what is most important.  I’m so lucky because I am still in love with each and every one of these projects!

I know many of you like to stay accountable with your UFOs.  I’m adding a linky here so you can.

I’ll report in again in the new year. Do I dare hope to have 6 more UFO quilts off my list? I do!





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