A bit ago I sent a picture out asking for binding recommendations for my Rectangle Wrangle quilt.
My first thought was red….
Hubby thought black. Well I am keeping this one and I think I am actually using it on my own bed. So when Hubby chimed in I thought- well it’s really OUR bed so maybe I should go with his suggestion. I took the quilt one evening and headed upstairs with it. Hubby asked what did you decide for binding? I said-”I’m not sure, but with all the colors in the quilt, how could I go wrong.”
So I started rummaging through my fabric. I have a lot of fabric but most are smaller than one yard cuts so I started looking. I was willing to give up the red and go with black but I wondered if a compromise might be a printed black so I tried it.
I had one and half sides tacked down when I realized that YES….I could go wrong. I hated it.
I ended up showing it to Hubby and he agreed…I had gone wrong. Neither of us liked this so I decided to rip it off and put on this instead…..
I am so VERY excited to tell you that Rectangle Wrangle is FINISHED! I couldn’t be happier….
This quilt pattern can be found in Bonnie Hunter’s book Scraps and Shirttails II. From the moment I bought the book, this quilt called to me and I knew I wanted to make it. I knew I wanted it to be done in recycled shirts….and now it is done and finished and I did use recycled shirts!!!
I worked hard to collect the shirts. I read and reread through the directions as Bonnie says that she thought the inner part of the quilt was a little dark and that’s why she added the light background stars around the edge. I worked to find shirts that were yellows and pinks and light colors yet still mixed in the darks hoping my center would stay bright…and I think I did okay.
Many quilters say that the quilt they just finished is their favorite quilt. I do that from time to time but I can honestly say this is my favorite Bonnie Hunter designed quilt that I have made to date. Others that I have made don’t get the honored status of me using it on our bed…this one is going to my bed and is going to be the “summer quilt”.
I love the cheddars and oranges and yellows.
It was truly a fun quilt to make. Once I found a rhythm to organizing the blocks as I sewed, the whole process became easy too.
When I first went to add on all those cute little star blocks I was a little hesitant….this is why. When Kelli and I first bought our copies of this book, I squealed about this quilt…Kelli, not so much. She even commented that she didn’t like the little stars around the outside. That comment had me second guessing as most of the time, Kelli’s opinion on quilting is one I really value. I ended up going with the pattern and my gut and love those little stars.
As you see…plain black (well not really charcoal) was the choice for the binding. I do think I would suggest using the dark charcoal vs black for the accent of the quilt. I think charcoal plays better with the colors and is a little softer.
I’ve said before that I am starting to love quilts that don’t have a white backgrounds. I believe that is becoming more and more true for me. Traditionally when we make quilts it’s a light background and darker patterned pieces. This has no traditional light background pieces. Yes, the outer border blocks have a light background but even those pieces are more of a medium color.
Whatever it is…this one sings to my soul!
The backing was a piece I bought from Whittles Fabrics for the $5 a yard pieces. I thought it was great..and it’s red, my favorite color.
Of course…no quilt is complete without a Ruby pose. I forgot a treat so she wasn’t as excited about sitting as she usually is but that’s okay.
If I ever make a quilt twice…this one might be it…
…and the biggest surprise (not really, I knew it would happen), Kelli now LOVES my quilt and wants to make one!!