Last year I jumped on the bandwagon with Mary at Country Threads as she was hosting a “Dirty Dozen UFO Challenge”. Essentially we picked 12 unfinished projects and number them 1-12. Each month she picks a number and that’s the project you finish. Read more about it at Country Threads.
It started July 1st so with it being June 30th, today ends the challenge.
I thought participating in the Dirty Dozen would be a good way to tackle a few of my UFOs. I started out adhering to the guideline and then went rogue finishing whatever I could.
I was gung-ho at first. I was actually in overdrive. It was awesome. I followed the rules like a good girl. Then I went rogue and I finished so many projects working from the list but not adhering to the number that was picked. I would just grab the project that was closest to be being finished.
I thought I would do a recap of what I got done.
Churn Dash Shirt Quilt: THIS IS FINISHED.
That was the before picture…this is the after.
I completely adore this quilt!! You can find more pictures along with a tutorial by following THIS LINK.
This wasn’t really very far along. I had the triangles..and I had the fabric.
Here is my finished version. You can see more pictures and read about it HERE.
It’s a Bonnie Hunter pattern found in the book Scraps and Shirttails II.
Scrap Bargello in Plaids-THIS IS FINISHED.
I’ve made this quilt before…but wanted to make another. Here is where I was when I started…
Here’s the finished quilt…
The pattern is in the book Scraps and Shirttails Book One. You can find it HERE.
This is a simple rectangle quilt. THIS IS FINISHED.
This was designed by us and put in our shop. HERE is a link to the Shop.
This was so fun to make. I gifted this quilt to Kalissa for Christmas. See more pictures and read about it HERE.
#6- This is my finished Civil War Tribute top. THIS IS FINISHED.
You can read the whole post and see more pictures by following THIS LINK.
Another top I was afraid wouldn’t get done was Bricks in the Barnyard. THIS IS FINISHED.
This quilt is Bricks in the Barnyard. It’s a Bonnie Hunter pattern in the book Scraps and Shirttails Book Two. You can find it HERE on Amazon. It’s one of my favorite books.
Mine is larger than the original. HERE is the link to see more pictures and info about the quilt.
This was just a charm square top. THIS IS FINISHED.
This was made from a $10 bag of charm squares from a garage sale. I added a few more charms to get it to this size. Simple but nice.
You can read more about it HERE.
12-Holy Toledo
This was cut out but that’s it. This is another Bonnie Hunter quilt. This one is from Scraps and Shirttails II. I LOVE this book.
Here it is finished…
You can read more about it HERE.
I had this wool project…I’m so happy this got done-THIS IS FINISHED.
I am so glad I darkened the background fabric. You can read more about it HERE.
4-I needed to stitch the stems and make this into a pincushion. THIS IS FINISHED.
It was a quick finish…
You can read about it HERE.
I had baby quilts cut out….THIS IS FINISHED.
It turns out there were actually two of these quilts that were cut out. I finished this one too.
It’s a free pattern on our blog find it HERE.
8…and this baby quilt…same quilt as the above quilts. THIS IS FINISHED.
I also finished this quilt I started for my grandson Scotty. THIS IS FINISHED.
I think this was the first of the UFO projects that I completed. You can read more about it HERE.
11-This is my Quilted Twins Mystery. This was slow going but I finally got it finished.
Here it is finished. It was one of those projects I should have never stopped. I lost steam and then it was so hard to pick up again.
You can read more about it HERE.
I had a red spider web quilt…
Here it is finished.
You can read more about it HERE.
I’m pretty happy with that. I finished 16 projects. I had made a much longer list than was suggested. Mary said to put 12 on the list. I put 32 on my list.
I have a few other projects that came off that list.
These were started blocks….THIS IS FINISHED. I handed them off to the Cresco ladies. They forwarded the top to Ray and Ray finished it. So…that is off my list.
Here are a couple of projects I was putzing with. THIS IS FINISHED. I passed this on as well.
I think it’s totally okay to look at a project and just pass it on. So I finished 16 and passed three on. That means 19 projects are gone. That’s much better. Having 32 projects started was too many. I’m pretty happy with that progress. I’ll be making another post soon of a new UFO or Dirty Dozen Plus listing. I like keeping track of the projects I have that need attention. It sometimes prevents me from starting more projects.
At one point a blog reader offered to take some and finish them. I honestly really like everything on my list and want to finish it myself. I am still completely in love with all of the projects and if I had more time, I’d have more of them finished.